Pirates are getting more violent? !

According to the Norwegian Hull Club, pirate attacks in Southeast Asia are on the rise, as are hostage incidents and the number of armed pirates. In addition, the number of pirate attacks on commercial vessels is increasing, and criminals are becoming more violent.

anti piracy spiked fence

According to the latest figures released by the International Maritime Bureau, there were 65 pirate attacks on merchant ships in the first half of 2023 alone, compared to 58 in the same period last year. Thirty-six seafarers were taken hostage, 14 were kidnapped, three were threatened, two were injured and one was assaulted.
The rise is mainly due to the re-emergence of cases in the Gulf of Guinea region in West Africa and an increase in cases in the Singapore Strait region.
In West Africa, in particular, more attention should be paid to the kidnapping of crew members for ransom, and ships passing through the region should take appropriate anti-piracy measures.

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